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간장 게장 Soy Sauce raw crab

간장 게장 Soy Sauce raw crab

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
Sale Sold out

저희 하루스테이션 표 간장 게장은 너무 짜지도 달지도 않아 

물리지 않고 드실수 있는 메뉴입니다.

밥 한공기쯤은 순삭 시키는 

밥도둑 간장 게장으로 

온가족 모두 다양하게 즐겨보세요~

냉장고에 하나씩은 어서어서 준비해 두세요. 

다른반찬은 필요 없답니다~

Our Haru Station soy sauce marinated crab is a dish that isn't too salty or too sweet, allowing you to enjoy it without feeling overwhelmed. It's a menu item that won't leave you feeling thirsty. It's versatile enough for the whole family to enjoy, and you might even find yourself finishing off another bowl of rice with it. Make sure to have one ready in the fridge at all times. No need for any other side dishes!

2 pcs

SPICY : None


재료 : 꽃게, 마늘, 고추, 양파, 파, 생강, 사과, 후추, 간장, 설탕 

Ingredients : Raw Crab, Garlic, Chili pepper, Onion, Green onion, Ginger, apple, Black pepper, Soy sauce, Sugar

조리예 : 조리 없이 바로 드실 수 있습니다

Cooking Instructions: Ready to eat without any cooking required

보관방법 : 냉장보관 배달일로부터 5일

Storage method : Refrigerate and consume within 5days of purchase


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