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깻잎장아찌 Pickled Perilla leaf

깻잎장아찌 Pickled Perilla leaf

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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달콤 짭쪼롬한 깻잎 장아찌 입니다. 

다른 반찬 다 필요없이 깻잎장아찌에

공기밥만 있어도 밥 한끼 뚝딱 할 수 있는 반찬이에요. 

특히 고기 드실 때 싸먹으면 느끼함도 잡아주고

먹을수록 입맛 돋구는 깻잎입니다

Sweet and tangy perilla leaf pickles.

With its unique flavor, these pickled perilla leaves can easily accompany a meal with just a bowl of rice.

Especially perfect alongside meat dishes, they cut through richness and enhance the overall dining experience.




재료 : 깻잎, 간장, 설탕, 식초, 마늘

Ingredients : Perilla leaf, Soy Sauce, Sugar, Vinegar, Garlic

조리예 : 조리 없이 바로 드실 수 있습니다

Cooking Instructions : Ready to eat without any cooking required

보관방법 : 냉장보관 배달일로부터 7일

Storage method : Refrigerate and consume within 7days of purchase


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