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돼지불고기 (반조리) Spicy pork bulgogi (half cooked)

돼지불고기 (반조리) Spicy pork bulgogi (half cooked)

Regular price $28.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $28.00 USD
Sale Sold out

매콤달콤 너무나 맛있는 돼지불고기. 

부드러운 목살에 깊은 맛을 내는 양념까지 어울어져

온 가족이 즐기기에도 아주 무난한 메뉴입니다. 

야외에서 먹으면 맛이 배가 되고 쌈을 곁들여 먹으면

밥도둑이 따로 없는 돼지불고기, 

갓 지은 따뜻한 밥에 돼지불고기 살짝 얹은 저녁 어떠세요?

Spicy-sweet and incredibly delicious pork bulgogi.

Tender pork neck, abundant vegetables, and flavorful seasoning blend together seamlessly, making it a perfect dish for the whole family to enjoy.

When eaten outdoors, the flavor is enhanced, and when paired with fresh lettuce wraps, it becomes an unbeatable meal.

How about enjoying some freshly cooked warm rice topped with pork bulgogi for dinner tonight?


#Cook Needed / 2lb



재료 : 돼지고기(목살), 파, 양파, 간장, 설탕, 참기름, 고추가루, 마늘, 후추

Ingredients : Pork, Green onion, Onion, Garlic, Chili pepper powder, Soy sauce, Sesame oil, Sugar, Pepper

조리예 : 센 불에 달군 후라이팬에 식용유를 조금 두른 후

고기를 넣고 중불에서 볶아주세요

Cooking Instructions : Heat some oil in a frying pan. Add the marinaded pork, Stir fry until it is cooked through

보관방법 : 냉동보관 배달일로부터 7일

Storage method : Freezer and consume within 7days of purchase

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