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햄 감자볶음 Stir-fried potato with ham

햄 감자볶음 Stir-fried potato with ham

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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고소하면서 담백한 감자볶음. 

짜지 않게 볶아서 많이 드셔도 계속 당기는 그 맛! 

온 가족이 밑반찬으로 즐기실 수 있는 메뉴입니다. 

담백해서 어떤 요리와도 잘 어울리는 반찬입니다.

Savory and wholesome Potato Stir-fry. Cooked gently to maintain its natural flavor, it's the kind of dish you can keep reaching for without feeling overwhelmed. Perfect as a side dish for the whole family to enjoy, its mild flavor complements a variety of main dishes.



재료 : 감자, 소금, 당근, 피망, 햄, 후추

Ingredients : Potato, Onion, Salt, Pepper, Green onion, Ham, Green pepper

조리예 : 조리 없이 바로 드실 수 있습니다

Cooking Instructions: Ready to eat without any cooking required

보관방법 : 냉장보관 배달일로부터 3일

Storage method : Refrigerate and consume within 3days of purchase


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