고추장 삼겹살(반조리) Chili Pepper paste pork belly (half cooked)
고추장 삼겹살(반조리) Chili Pepper paste pork belly (half cooked)
삼겹살의 새로운 변화 고추장 삼겹살!!
자주 먹는 삼겹살이 지겨우실땐
매콤 달콤한 "고추장 삼겹살"로 시도해 보세요
양파 와 파로 감칠맛 더해주니 맛도두배! 식감도 두배!
깻잎 상추 올려 먹으면 밥두공기는 뚝딱이에요~
새로운 신흥 밥도둑 Haru station표 고추장 삼겹살!
술안주도 일품
온가족 식사로도 베리굿굿굿!
오늘 저녁 고추장 삼겹살에 소주한잔 어떠세요?
지금 바로 주문하세요~
Experience a new twist on pork belly with our Spicy Gochujang Pork Belly!!
When you're tired of the same old pork belly, try our spicy and sweet 'Spicy Gochujang Pork Belly' for a change. With onions and green onions adding depth of flavor, it's double the taste and double the texture!
Serve it with perilla leaves and lettuce, and you'll find yourself finishing two bowls of rice in no time!
Introducing the new rising star in mealtime delights, our Spicy Gochujang Pork Belly from Haru station!
Perfect as a side dish for drinks, and equally fantastic for a family meal.
How about enjoying Spicy Gochujang Pork Belly with a glass of soju for dinner tonight?
Order now and treat yourself!
-Product description
#Cook Needed / 2lb
재료 : 돼지고기(삼겹살), 고추장, 파, 양파, 간장, 설탕, 고추가루, 마늘, 후추
Ingredients : Pork, gochujang Green onion, Onion, Garlic, Chili pepper powder, Soy sauce, Sugar, Pepper
조리예 : 모든 재료를 넣고 센불에 올린 후라이팬에 5분이상 볶아 드세요
Cooking Instructions : Put everything together and stir-fried it for over 5 mins
보관방법 : 냉동보관 배달일로부터 7일
Storage method : Freezer and consume within 7days of purchase