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소불전골 Beef bulgogi hot pot (half cooked)

소불전골 Beef bulgogi hot pot (half cooked)

Regular price $28.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $28.00 USD
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어릴적 특별한 날이면 온 가족이 모여 먹던 그 맛!  소불고기 전골입니다~ 

달달하면서도 짭짤한 소불고기에 다양

야채 넣어 보글보글 끓이며 이것저것 골라 먹는 재미가 있는 소불고기 전골!

먹다보면 어느새 배가 빵빵해지 는 푸짐한 저녁이 된답니다. 

자극적이지 않아 어르신들에 어린이들 까지 온가족 구성원이

부담없이 즐길수있는 소불고기 전골로

넉넉한 저녁상 차려보세요~

Bringing back the nostalgic flavors from childhood, it's our special Beef Bulgogi Hot Pot!

With its sweet and savory beef bulgogi base, combined with various vegetables simmering in a bubbling pot, our Beef Bulgogi Hot Pot offers the fun of choosing and enjoying different ingredients together.

As you indulge, you'll find yourself feeling pleasantly satisfied with a hearty and filling dinner.

Gentle on the palate, it's a dish that everyone in the family, from the elders to the little ones, can enjoy without any hesitation.

So why not treat your loved ones to a generous dinner table reminiscent of payday with our Beef Bulgogi Hot Pot?



재료 : 소불고기, 두부, 버섯, 배추, 당근, 양파, 파, 당면, (쑥갓 or 시금치), 할라피뇨, 마늘, 소금, 설탕, 고춧가루, 간장

Ingredients : Beef bulgogi, Tofu, Mushroom, Napa cabbage, Carrot, Onion, Green onion, Glass noodle, (Crown daisy or Spinach), Jalapeno, Garlic, Soy sauce, Chili pepper powder, Salt, Sugar

조리예 : 모든 재료를 넣고 센불에 올린 냄비에 8분이상 끓여 드세요.

Cooking Instructions : Put everything together and boil it for over 8 mins

보관방법 : 냉장보관 배달일로부터 3일

Storage method : Refrigerate and consume within 3days of purchase


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